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NLP & Our Unconscious Mind

Are you ready to unlock your potential and are you looking to take your #health, #communication and #relationship skills to the next level? Then #Neuro Linguistic Programming (#NLP) might be for you!

NLP uses powerful tools that can help change how you think and communicate, by understanding how we structure our thoughts and language. By applying the principles of NLP, you will be able to identify and change ineffective patterns and create more effective outcomes in health, communication, relationships and more!

This blog will introduce you to the exciting world of NLP, providing an overview of the benefits, key principles and techniques.

So why not take the plunge and join me on this journey? Discover the power of NLP today, so that you can be your best self now.

NLP is all about understanding how our minds work and using this knowledge to help us achieve our desired results/reach our goals. It acknowledges the fact that, although we are deeply unaware of it, or unconscious brain is constantly active and influencing our thoughts, feelings and behaviour in meaningful ways.

The unconscious mind itself is a powerful force that is constantly operating (beneath our conscious awareness) and this is where our experiences, behaviours and values are largely stored. Unfortunately, this may not always have a positive effect on us, as sometimes our unconscious mind, despite its' best intentions, gets it wrong. Understanding how the unconscious mind works and how to use it to our advantage, is vital to maximizing our potential.

In NLP, the unconscious mind is explored and utilised through techniques such as visualisations, metaphors and language patterns to help effect change.

By studying and understanding how the unconscious brain works, we can use NLP and its' processes to help bring about positive change in our behaviours, emotions, beliefs and intentions to help us reach our goals.

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